Communists, well they may be right. Although the beliefs revolved around equality, this
system allowed government to develop a powerful ruling class.
recently susie, one of my co-workers mentioned that her husband's family were all jws.
the family converted after susie's husband left home, so he never joined the jws, nor does he intend to.
anyway another co-worker asked her: "what do the jws believe?".
Communists, well they may be right. Although the beliefs revolved around equality, this
system allowed government to develop a powerful ruling class.
recently susie, one of my co-workers mentioned that her husband's family were all jws.
the family converted after susie's husband left home, so he never joined the jws, nor does he intend to.
anyway another co-worker asked her: "what do the jws believe?".
...right from a pro-jw site in response to a post about the relative seriousness of homosexuality.
all you can do is reason from the scriptures, which you appear to have done.
homosexuality is as serious as bestiality, or adultery and fornication.
It chaps my butt how "SOME" religious people use a book to establish their moral code
while picking and choosing which bits of the book to use.
Prejudice in the name of religion is abhorrent, wither it be prejudice on race, on
women's rights or on homosexuality.
It all stem from the same source.
A question for believers,What book has cause the biggest division among mankind in the
last 2000 years???
today after leaving the va center in l.a. i drove around to see the homeless and.
blocks and blocks of tents, card board boxes, hundreds of homeless people with.
a look of desperation on their faces.
Starrynight9: good article.
Wayward: there may have been some JW's working the area but but no cart work.
today after leaving the va center in l.a. i drove around to see the homeless and.
blocks and blocks of tents, card board boxes, hundreds of homeless people with.
a look of desperation on their faces.
VI: give them a false hope, so true.....
wozza: I was thinking the same, "no money in it".
today after leaving the va center in l.a. i drove around to see the homeless and.
blocks and blocks of tents, card board boxes, hundreds of homeless people with.
a look of desperation on their faces.
Today after leaving the VA center in L.A. I drove around to see the homeless and
OH my. Blocks and blocks of tents, card board boxes, hundreds of homeless people with
a look of desperation on their faces. Children, elderly, guys drinking right in front of the mission,
drug deals and this was at 10 o'clock in the morning.
I had no idea it was that bad. Folks we have a big problem here in L.A.
We have military bases that have closed, why not use those bases for the homeless
I was looking to see JW carts in the area, none around. That would be a great
territory for magazine placements.
so it has been a couple of months since me and my family have attended a meeting.
we have received a few calls and visits.
but what do you say when people ask "where have you been"?
Have you ever heard of the red pill, I took it and I found out how deep the rabbit
hole goes and I found the truth and nothing more.
the wildfires in san gabriel today is in my back yard.
we are next to be evacuated if the .
wind shift.
azor. OK for now. It's moving north in the Angles National forest. I hope your
mom is ok...
GreatTeacher: I was nervous early to day but I believe we will be ok.
the wildfires in san gabriel today is in my back yard.
we are next to be evacuated if the .
wind shift.
The wildfires in San Gabriel mountains CA. today is in my back yard. We are next to be evacuated if the
wind shift. My hat off to the firemen and it was a 109degree today.
But I was thinking, JW's sitting around in a camp fire singing kingdom songs in Paradise and a ember
from the fire starts a fire and it's out of control. So, who puts the fire out?
What will the all knowing JW say.
A) Jehovah will bring a storm to extinguish the fire.
B) or maybe the animals may extinguish the fire , if Jehovah can make a ass speak then it's no
big deal to gather all the animals to piss on the fire.
But what would be their response???
Without the firemen battling that fire today many of the homes in my area would have
been lost.
Duarte is the city next to us, so it's close.
i know that some people on the board have experience of being mormons, so i would be interested in your feedback.
at church this afternoon it was an uncanny experience.
in the past i've read a lot about mormons, so i thought i was prepared in general for what it would be like.
The biggest difference between Mormons and JW, Mormons are very generous with
time and money in the communities. Researchers found that active members of
the LDS church volunteer and donate significantly more than the average American
when it comes to the time they spend volunteering to help others outside of the LDS